This pregnancy is going by so much faster than my first. I can hardly believe it's already the middle of January and our baby girl will be here in April.
Here's a little update:
23 weeks pregnant with Addison
23 weeks pregnant with Baby Ta
Here's last week's belly picture. I don't see that much of a difference in the belly, but I do notice a difference elsewhere. I have gained more weight faster this time around, and I am seeing it in my hips, arms and face.
How far along: 24 weeks 6 days
Baby's size: An eggplant approx 14 inches, 1.5-2lbs
Total weight gain: 22lbs so far (19-20 is recommended by week 25)
Belly button :still an innie. It never popped with Addie, I don't expect it to this time either
Stretchmarks: None yet!! None with Addison, let's hope Baby Ta is easy on me too!
Maternity clothes: definitely the only thing that fits me now. And I've moved more into the small's than the extra small's in my mat wardrobe already (only a couple weeks earlier than with Addie)
Sex: Baby girl!
Movement: Baby Ta is more active than Addie was, but still not incredibly active. She kicks more, and usually wakes up around lunch time and 9pm. I LOVE feeling her movements. It is definitely one of my favorite things, and makes me smile every time I feel her.
Sleep: At this point with Addison I wasn't sleeping much at all, but this time I am so exhausted working, and running around after Addie that I am sleeping very well.
Symptoms: Nothing too bad actually. Tired, but usually the nesting instict takes over. My house is still clean, the laundry is still done, and work on the nursery has been started! My hips and lower back have started to ache by the end of the day, but it's in part because I am doing too much, and know it.
Aversions/cravings: Absolutely nothing either way
Best moment of the week: Baby Ta reached her first milestone. Her week of viability. If she was to be born at this point, she would have a 50% chance of being ok. Which is amazing considering last week it was around 0!! Every week above this week the percentage increases substantially.
What I miss: Being able to play more actively with Addison. I have a hard time bending forward already, and so playing at her level and letting her bounce on my belly are hindering our play time.
What I am looking forward to: My next Dr. Appointment on Friday. I am really eager to find out if she is still head down!!