Here she is, My beautiful Mya Rian. Who knew we wanted another daughter? Not me, but since she's been here I couldn't imagine life without her, and couldn't have ever known how much I wanted her until I got her. She is such a sweet tempered baby, so good and so happy! We love her to death.
And what about the other two little beauties? Well believe it or not, Addison is almost FOUR now, and starting school this coming September. She is our little firecracker. Full of drama, loud, and impatient. But also very loving and thoughtful, and adores her family. She is so proud to be a big sister.
And Avery? She's going to be TWO this weekend!! Where is the time going? Avery is so funny. She is hilarious, she knows she's funny, and she's into EVERYTHING. She is so curious and messy, and funny and sweet. She knows she's cute and it's so hard to discipline this kid because she is so innocent and happy.
Aren't they cute?
More updates to come as I get time!