This is the preview picture that I got from the photographer that came to our mommy group's big baby birthday party that we had a couple weeks ago where all the babies celebrated their 1st birthday's together. I love that she is doing what she loves most, eating balloons (as I am hyperventillating in the background waiting for it to explode in her face) and she was soo tired by this point that her usual over the top excitable character wasn't really showing through so I love that she looks happy in this picture. The only thing I don't like is that she is sitting on her leg and it looks to me like she is an amputee. Isn't that like rule#1 as a photographer not to amputate your clients? Anyway, hopefully when I get the rest of the pictures there are some better ones, but this is pretty cute!
We also got all the babies together for a group shot.... it did not go well, I am sure she sent us the only picture where not every single baby was crying (and in the background were 9 moms singing the more we get together off key and totally desperate to make the babies smile). Does it get any cuter than this? I don't think so.