Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby Belly #2 19 weeks

It's been awhile since I've had access to "our" laptop... seems Ryan has comandeered it for work lately. grrr. At least it's for a good cause. But I have some catching up to do.

Let's start with my belly shall we?
This is my 17 week belly with Addison

                                                     And this is my 17 week belly with Baby #2

Notice a difference? I sure do. I am a heck of a lot bigger this time!

Here's the stats so far:
Pregnancy week: 19 weeks tomorrow

Size of baby: 6.5 inches from head to bum. About the length of a cantalope plus arms and legs

Weight gain: 12lbs already!!

Sleep: Getting more and more uncomfortable. Thank God Addison finally decided to start sleeping through the night three weeks ago, and we've only had one night of setback, but I tend to sleep really restlessly one night and then the next night I am so exhausted from being up all night the night before I sleep really well. So every other night is a good sleep night.

Gender? Tomorrow is the big day to find out! My guess is girl though.

Names? We've got nothing.... every time we think we agree on something, one of us changes our minds. One thing we do agree on, is Baby Ta. Addison was looking at the baby name book one night and Ryan asked her if she was picking out a name for the baby. She looked at him very seriously and replied "Baby Ta" so we're going with it.

Mama's feeling: I am feeling really good lately. My back is really starting to hurt in the evening, especially if I do a lot of bending, which is much earlier than I had back pain with Addie, but hey, no morning sickness, and I have a healthy little baby growing so I am not complaining about a little back pain!

Movement: Baby Ta is very similar to Addison. Not so many kicks, but a lot of wiggling and flipping around. Much stronger than Addison was at this point too. There is no mistaking that it's baby movement.

Belly Button: Still an innie

Cravings: No real gotta have it cravings, but I can't stand anything fast food, all I want is fresh food and I eat grilled chicken pitas with tzatiki literally every work day. The guys at Extreme Pita all know me by name

Milestones: I am a week away from being halfway through the pregnancy already! I can hardly believe it! And I am super excited to have my anatomy scan tomorrow morning. I can't wait to count all the little fingers and toes, and to find out if Addie is getting a brother or a sister. To be honest, I will be thrilled no matter what.


  1. Doesn't it go by so much quicker the second time? You look great! Can't wait to hear boy or girl!!

  2. Looking good sis, your baby is bigger this time because its a boy :P ! Maybe Taylor or Tyler would be a good name for Baby Ta? Glad to hear all is going well, see ya in 3 more weeks :-)

