Do you remember back in July, when I posted this blog post about potty training?
I thought I would give you an update on how that all went.
Well we started off REALLY well. I mean she got the hang of it really quickly, as in was having only one to two accidents per day after day 3, and was excited about getting all the applause and attention from everyone. She was doing so well in fact, that everyone thought she was going to be fully trained in a matter of weeks.
What we didn't account for, was that we started potty training during her daycare's summer vacation, when Addison was with her grandparents for two weeks straight. Once I brought her back to daycare, her daycare provider refused to commit to training and so we came to the compromise of letting her wear "pull up's" at daycare. I was super hesitant about the idea, but I didn't really have much choice, unless I wanted to find another daycare (which I didn't considering that this daycare is amazing otherwise) I would have to deal.
Guess what. Picking up Addie at 6pm and trying to train for an hour before bed (when she also has to eat dinner and is at her crankiest) and trying to catch the one morning pee before daycare didn't go well. It went exactly as I assumed it would. Addison saw the pull ups as diapers (cus that's exactly what they are) and her daycare provider pretty much stopped even trying, so Ryan and I playing catch up just wasn't working. We stopped trying in October and relented that we would have to wait to try again. We tried in the morning, and we offered and asked her if she wanted to go to the potty, but we left her in the pull up's.
Towards the end of Novemeber, Addison really started to pick up an interest in the potty again. And since she was showing interest on her own, we started putting her in underwear at home, and even taking her out in underwear to the grocery store and other shorter errands. By the middle of December, she wasn't having any pee accidents at all anymore at home or at Grandma's, and we knew she was totally ready to train. So I told the daycare provider that she was taking a week off at Christmas, and would be returning in underwear. I didn't give an option, and the daycare provider didn't argue. Perfect.
So on December 27th, we took away the bottle (it was time for that to go anyway) and started full time potty training. Addie has done wonderfully. She held pee right away, and would hold it until we took her (which was about once an hour) but she didn't start asking to go until this week.
This week, she has even been getting up in the night to ask to go to the potty.
She is still working on poop though. She doesn't like going in her underwear and comes immediately when she has an accident, she knows poop goes in the potty, however, she is having trouble with the timing. She will come tell me she has to poop either immediately before she goes (as in she is going as I am running her to the potty) or she tells me immediately after. I have just upped her motivation by giving her chocolates for poop in the potty. It would be much easier if she was a really regular kid, but she poops at completely random times so it's hard for me to catch.
We are still on the journey, but I am thrilled with the progress we've had so far. The trick was definitely taking away the pull up's. If she is in a diaper, she will pee in it every time. She does not like wet underwear though. We took her to the mall for two hours last Saturday morning and she was out for a total of 3 hours and stayed dry, then in the afternoon, took her to a birthday party for 4 hours and went twice at the party and came home dry. I am so proud of my girl, she is officially "pee trained". The poop training will follow.
At what age did you potty train? How'd it go? Was it a quick weekend project, or a lengthier process like ours? Any tips and tricks?
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