Friday, February 10, 2012

Y3W: My Sick Baby

Is there anything sadder than a sick baby? yep. YOUR sick baby. It breaks my heart that my girl isn't feeling well right now, and isn't her regular happy, energetic self. Poor baby. She's been all snuggled up on the couch asking for "snuggle"(s) for the past two days now. The only change is when the Tempra kicks in and she has a half hour run of forgetting she's sick. Then comes the crash and we're back to sick baby.

Speaking of Tempra, this stuff is amazing. We've tried Advil and Tylenol, and they both make Addie gag. The banana Tempra tastes more like juice and Addie slurps it right up. The only problem seems to be that I can't find the banana flavour anymore. I have been to numerous stores and can only find cherry (which she refuses entirely, and I cannot even bribe her with chocolate to take it).

Does anyone know if they stopped making the banana flavour?


  1. Aww, poor thing. You're right, nothing is worse than a sick baby. I hope she feels better soon.

  2. It’s definitely heartbreaking to see your baby sad because of the pain he/she feels. Glad you’ve found a good product that will make your child feel better. Next time, if she continues to feel sick even she if already took some medicine, I think you should bring her to her pedia so she could give you better medication for her.

  3. Yeah, I know it’s certainly painful to see your child sick and helpless. If only we have the power to take all those pain right away to make our babies feel better. But, sadly, what we can only do is to be there and give our full attention and love. I hope your baby will stay healthy always and away from any sickness.
