Saturday afternoon, we decided to go for a hike on an island nearby our cottage. Grandma and Grandpa Phillips, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Nikki came with us. It was so much fun hiking through the island trees, over streams and down big rocks. The boat ride over was pretty chilly. The wind was blowing pretty strong and it was quite cold, but as soon as we stepped into the forest, the trees blocked the wind completely and it was really nice hiking temperature. We hiked for almost two hours (including one bubba break), and Ryan and I took turns carrying Addie. She loved watching all the new sights and being surrounded by her family. Ryan and I were really impressed with how well Addie did with the hike.
Last weekend was our last weekend at the cottage for this year. It's hard to believe that another summer has already come and gone, and thinking about how different next summer will be with Addie walking and starting to talk is almost unimaginable. But it was a fun summer, and we're already looking forward to next summer at the cottage. Next year's hikes may have to be quite a bit shorter, or else Daddy will have to bulk up to carry a 1 yr old through the trails.
Here are a couple pictures from the day:
Daddy and Addie all geared up in the baby bjorn