Day One
Day 117

Addie at the zoo with Grammie and Grampie
Addie watching the Jaguar and the Leopard

Day 117
Addison turned 4 months old this week. Yep, four months old already. A lot has changed since she turned three months old, and we are still amazed at how fast she is growing.
Her stats: Weight: 13lbs (32nd percentile), Height: 24.5 inches (57th percentile), Head circumferance: 39cm (6th percentile {yes you read that right, the 6th percentile}). Her eyes have changed dramatically, even just this week to a hazel green colour and are absolutely gorgeous. She is actually getting a bit more hair now but it's really hard to tell. Diaper size is a 2 still, or three snaps out on the cloth diapers.
Sleeping: Addie has been putting me through mommy bootcamp over the past month when it comes to her sleeping... errr NOT sleeping. We started her in the bassinet of her pack and play in our room still and she could not stay asleep for more than two hours at a time, sometimes not more than an hour. We tried everything to get her to sleep there for 6 weeks, and finally, we put the napper back in the pack and play. I think she just likes being all cuddled up. (ETA she grew out of the napper by about 8 weeks old) Since she's been back in the napper, Addie's sleeping habits are: in bed between 7:30pm-8:00pm (she goes straight to sleep with no problems), she gets up at 12:30am, 5:30am for a bottle, then goes right back to sleep, then she gets up again at 7:00am to poop and goes back to sleep until 8:30am-9:00am. In the morning when she gets up, I'll change her diaper, clean her eye up, then take her down stairs to play in her pajamas. She is getting pretty predictable about not wanting a bottle for about an hour and a half after waking up, but then she goes down for her morning nap. This is the longest nap of the day and lasts anywhere from 45minutes to 2 hours. I love this nap because it is when I get to shower, and get anything around the house done. The rest of the day is hit and miss for naps. If we're out and about forget napping because Addie doesn't want to miss anything. If we're home and she starts getting sleepy, I'll swaddle her up {yes, I'm still swaddling my 13lb four month old baby} give her a pacifier and rock her to sleep. She'll sleep for 20 minutes if I do that.
Eating: My little piglet eats 4oz every 2 hours, but I will be upping her to 4.5oz this weekend
Personality: Addie is still stubborn, still hilarious, and quite manipulative. She has not only her Mama and Daddy wrapped around her little finger, but Grammie and Grampie seem to be wrapped up pretty tightly too. She is still very social, but has just started playing shy with men. The only two men in her life that can hold her without her screaming bloody murder are her Daddy and her Grampie Knight. This lovely phase just started last week and we're hoping it's a short one. Any strange woman seems to be okay.
Addie's Likes: Right now Addie is loving her new bouncy seat, she really enjoys kicking and hitting the toys to make the fish light up and play music and ocean noises. Teething toys from the fridge are a big hit, but she hasn't caught on to chewing on them yet, she licks them like she's hoping they'll turn into popsicles. Addie loves going places. I took her to the zoo last weekend with my parents, and Addie really enjoyed being out with all the new things to look at. She especially loved the baby monkey and the goats. Addie's new love though, and Ryan and my's favorite thing to do with her right now is play peek-a-boo. Addie laughs out loud those beautiful full body laughs when we play peek-a-boo with her and we can't get enough of her laughs and smiles. Bath time is still a huge favorite of her day, and since she learned to splash, she's been loving it even more than she used to.
Addie at the zoo with Grammie and Grampie
Addie's Dislikes: Still hates the car seat, but the past couple weeks she's been getting much better at being in it. She's able to go very short (under 10 minute) drives without completely losing it, and sometimes doesn't even complain at all. Getting a mouth full of water in the bath really upsets her, when this happens, there is no consoling to be done, Addie needs out ASAP. She still hates laying down if it's not nap or bedtime.
Milestones: Addie laughs now every day, and honestly, when Addie laughs, I swear the sun shines brighter every time. She has learned to splash in the bath so I get soaked sitting on the edge of the tub every night now. She is consistently grabbing at toys and holding them to play with (play=eat). She's doing really well with trying to sit up and has gone almost 20seconds sitting with no help at all.
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