Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fall Shopping

Brrrr. It is already getting cold outside. Below 20C and rainy reminds me of spring, not the kind of falls we've been used to for the past couple years. But... I love fall. I love the colours of the leaves changing, I love the crisp air when we go for family walks, I love the new smells of fall, and making plans for Thanksgiving, and Christmas, but what I love the most about fall is the clothing. I love wearing jeans and comfy sweaters, it's the only time of the year I can wear my leather jackets (that I will hopefully fit back into by next fall) and I love the stylish boots and heels (because I don't need a pedicure to look good in them).

I'm sure I will pass on my love of fall clothing to my little girl, I mean she is MY little girl after all. And this weekend will be her first shopping spree. We were so blessed to get so many beautiful clothes at my baby shower, and after Addie was born. People we barely even knew even gave us cute little outfits in all kinds of sizes. So far I think we've bought Addie two outfits and a handful of sleepers, and besides having a closet and dresser packed with clothes, there is also an enormous suitcase overflowing with more clothes that she probably won't fit into until next summer. So why then are we going on a shopping spree? Every single item of clothing the child has is for summer. EVERYTHING! I didn't realize this until this past week when the weather started to get cold. I went to dress Addie and realized she has no warm clothes. She doesn't even own a long sleeved onesie. The only sweater that fits is a very lightweight cardigan and she owns three beautiful coats, but they are all too big. She only has one pair of overalls and a couple pairs of tights for pants.

So off we go to get a whole new fall/winter wardrobe for Addison. I am in heaven. Money has been so tight lately, and not that we aren't still on a budget, but we have had some great breaks this week that left us with a little money to spend on our little girl. I am so excited to go shopping for Addie that I don't even care that the only pants I own that fit me right now are maternity jeans, (yep almost 4 months later) and I also only have 3 shirts that fit, and Ryan is rotating between two pairs of dress pants for work every day. One pair is stained, the other pair has a hem blown on one leg, and both pairs are a tad too small. But it's not about us anymore, I am excited because Addie will look adorable (and most importantly she'll be cozy), I love shopping (it's been killing me not being able to shop for so long) and even Ryan admits the kid needs warm clothes and it's our job to buy them.

My favorite place to buy baby clothes is Bonnie Togs. I came accross this store just before Addie was born and was blown away by what they have in there. Osh Kosh overalls for $5.00, Carter's sleepers for $8.00 and then they have all kinds of deals and sales on all the time. If I spent $50.00 Addie would be set all winter. And lets admit that Osh Kosh and Carter's makes the cutest baby clothes that are also soft and comfortable.

This is going to be fun!

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