Addie had her second round of shots on Tuesday. At the doctor's office, Addie did great, she is a real trooper that kid. She only cried while the needles were in her legs, and then had lots of laughs and smiles for the doctor as soon as the needles were out. I was really impressed with her lack of reaction..... until we got home.
Addie could not sleep Tuesday night, she had been awake since 7:30am and finally fell asleep at midnight because she was so exhausted. Her poor little legs were all red and swollen, and she pulled out "the lip" accompanied by the most pitiful little whimper I've ever heard. That combination paired up with the "Mama please do something, it hurts" eyes and I was crying too. I can't stand seeing my baby in pain. We gave her some Tylenol and it seemed to help a little, but every now and then she did her little whimper and let out a couple weak cries.
Wednesday and Thursday were not much better. She ran a small fever, was very fussy and uncomfortable, and especially sucky. I have had her attached to my body for the past three days now and cannot leave her sight. Daddy is only okay as long as she's playing. When she starts feeling sucky again she needs a Mama snuggle. She has also been throwing up every time she eats and has had a little bit of diarhea. On the up side, every day she's had longer periods of playing, and sleeping and she's eating a little more than normal so she's compensating for the fluids she's losing.
Hopefully today will be better, but it's still early.
Addie could not sleep Tuesday night, she had been awake since 7:30am and finally fell asleep at midnight because she was so exhausted. Her poor little legs were all red and swollen, and she pulled out "the lip" accompanied by the most pitiful little whimper I've ever heard. That combination paired up with the "Mama please do something, it hurts" eyes and I was crying too. I can't stand seeing my baby in pain. We gave her some Tylenol and it seemed to help a little, but every now and then she did her little whimper and let out a couple weak cries.
Wednesday and Thursday were not much better. She ran a small fever, was very fussy and uncomfortable, and especially sucky. I have had her attached to my body for the past three days now and cannot leave her sight. Daddy is only okay as long as she's playing. When she starts feeling sucky again she needs a Mama snuggle. She has also been throwing up every time she eats and has had a little bit of diarhea. On the up side, every day she's had longer periods of playing, and sleeping and she's eating a little more than normal so she's compensating for the fluids she's losing.
Hopefully today will be better, but it's still early.
Aww, poor baby girl! I hope she's feeling better now. I just scheduled Brynn's 4 month shots and I hope she doesn't have the same reaction :( I hate shot appointments!