You should know that although Mommy and Daddy think you are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world, we are not the only ones. Everyone stops us everywhere we go to tell us how gorgeous you are, and what a happy baby you are. Of course we already know that, but when we take you places now, you really outdo yourself with the showing off!! Last week at swimming, you realized that everyone was watching you laugh and play in the water, so you turned it on and started yelling and laughing even louder. You would look to make sure everyone was watching and then put on the cuteness show. You make all the other babies look like newborns compared to how active you are. When I put you on the side of the pool and count to three now, you even wiggle your own bum off the edge and jump in! I am positive that you know when you are being watched and you just love the attention! You always laugh and play with strangers when we go to a store or any public place (which we will have to watch out for since you are NOT shy at all!).
Your enthusiasm and excitement just to be out and about and with your family makes Daddy and I so happy. Addison you are so well behaved no matter how tired you are, where we go or how hungry you are that you are a complete joy to take places. Daddy and I love taking you out and try to take you somewhere every day. You are even much better in the car now since you got your big girl car seat and one of my favorite things to do now is turn off the radio and listen to you babbling away in the back seat. You are just so much fun to be around, there is no doubt in our minds that you are going to have lots of friends in school.
Some more milestones this month! You now have two teeth, both the bottom teeth. You are cruising the furniture and anything and anyone that you can climb! You are crawling so fast now that we have to be very careful to keep an eye on you or you disappear. You are waving bye bye to us now and said bye bye this week! It is the cutest thing to see you waving and saying bye bye to Daddy when he leaves for work in the morning. The biggest thing you've done this month is take yourself off of pureed foods. You now only eat real food and especially love sharing whatever Mommy and Daddy are eating. Your favorite things to eat are macaroni and cheese, scrambled eggs and cheesies.
I am almost finished getting everything together for your first birthday party and it has been one of my favorite things to do. It looks like almost everyone we invited will be able to come, so it will be a busy day for you, but I know you will have so much fun and will love having all the people in the house to visit and kids to play with. I happen to know what some of your gifts are too, and I think you will be very excited to play with all the new things!
Addison last night while I was rocking you to sleep, I was thinking about the very first night we were home and I rocked you. You were so tiny, and all I could think to myself was that you were the most precious gift from God. I know I must be the most special person in the world to have been given my own angel to take care of and love. I promise you that no matter what, I will always love you and will always know that you are my special angel. The first night I rocked you, I remember thinking that there was no way I could ever love you more, but last night I couldn`t help but think that every day that goes by, I fall more and more in love with you. You are getting so big, up to 17lbs now, and you take up so much more room on my lap in the chair, but as long as you like to be rocked, I will find a way to make us fit there. Rocking you to sleep every night is one of my favorite things to do, and even though I am very tired when you wake up through the night still, I melt when I see your sleepy little face smile at me and I love when you snuggle into me and close your eyes to fall asleep. I feel like the best Mommy in the world knowing you feel so loved and so secure in my arms.
This is the very last month that you will officially be my baby... one more and you will be my toddler. Please let this month go very slowly and don`t grow up too fast Addie girl. Mommy is definitely not ready to give up her baby. If you could just keep doing all your little baby things a little longer, I will be very happy. I probably won`t be ready for you to turn one next month either. Maybe give Mommy some extra snuggles and kisses this month.. it`s going to be a tough one for me.
I love you bigger than the sky, higher than the moon and deeper than the ocean could ever be.
I love you monkey moo,
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