When Addison was only 3 months old, I did a post on the things we couldn't live without at the time. As you all know, babies change A LOT over 9 months, and so does their gear. I thought it would be nice to do a new things we love post to see what's changed and what we're still using.
Fisherprice/Playskool toys
We are keeping these guys in business these days with all the new toys from Grammie and Grampie, and between gifts for Christmas, Easter, and now collecting for the 1st birthday!
This is just a small sampling of Addison's toy collection. Addie girl is really funny when she spots a new toy... she totally scopes it out right away and loves playing with new toys.
This little guy was featured on Oprah and Ellen, and is by far the most important creature in our home. How could a little blankie with a stuffed bunny be so important? It's what Addison has adopted to be her lovie, and boy does she love this bunny! Addie has about 6 blankie/stuffed animal combo's very similar, but this one is super soft, and the bunny has satin ears and paws. Addie just loves the textures and she gives her bunny hugs and kisses every day, and sleeps with it for every nap and bedtime. We may need to get a couple extras..

Playtex Drop-Ins Bottle System
These were featured in my original things we love post, and they are still well loved around here. Addie doesn't eat very well, and although she uses a sippy cup and a real cup too, she absolutely LOVES her bubbas. We make up about 6 bottles a day for her right now and she drinks almost 5oz at each feeding. Although she still has no interest in holding her own bottle, these are great for her to grasp when she's ready. We use the large ones for formula and the small ones for juice and water.

Chicco Liteway Umbrella Stroller
This is definitely one of my favorite baby gear finds! My parents bought this for Addison for Christmas so we could use it when we travelled to Florida for Christmas vacation, and it is worth it's weight in gold. I LOVE my larger stroller, but it is not really meant to be hauled around in my small car. I really did my research before we purchased this stroller and I love it because: it folds/unfolds super easily, takes up no room in my car, has a full recline (very uncommon in umbrella strollers) and sits straight up, has a great storage basket, and a really nice sun shade. Not even the $400 umbrella strollers I looked at had all the qualities in this one, and I would recommend it to anyone. Best feature? Addison likes it!
Britax Marathon 65 Car Seat
Addison HATES being in the carseat. Since the day we brought her home from the hospital and she had to endure the gruelling 6 minute car ride home, she has persistently screamed bloody murder at the top of her lungs every time we've even attempted to put her in the carseat. Until we got the new Britax big girl car seat that is. Addison and I got this seat after trying a few different ones out, and she loved this one. The recline is still more upright than her infant carrier, and this seat is really comfy. Not to mention that the cover slips on and off very easily for washing without having to remove the seat from the car. The only flaw I see is that my car is too small. Hmmm I should start looking for a new car, this seat rocks and is not going anywhere. Best of all? Addir girl doesn't cry at all anymore, and actually laughs and plays in it. She loves being high enough to see out the windows.
What do you put on your baby when she's almost a year old and still has newborn sized feet? Robeeze. They are the only shoes that fit my daughter (size0-6months of course), they are super cute, she has them in shoe and sandal styles, and she can't pull them off (she much prefers barefeet and takes off all other shoes and socks). LOVE these!
So these are a few of our current favorite things. It is amazing to me how quickly these things change, and I am excited to see what the list looks like in another 6 months.
Playtex Drop-Ins Bottle System
These were featured in my original things we love post, and they are still well loved around here. Addie doesn't eat very well, and although she uses a sippy cup and a real cup too, she absolutely LOVES her bubbas. We make up about 6 bottles a day for her right now and she drinks almost 5oz at each feeding. Although she still has no interest in holding her own bottle, these are great for her to grasp when she's ready. We use the large ones for formula and the small ones for juice and water.

Chicco Liteway Umbrella Stroller
This is definitely one of my favorite baby gear finds! My parents bought this for Addison for Christmas so we could use it when we travelled to Florida for Christmas vacation, and it is worth it's weight in gold. I LOVE my larger stroller, but it is not really meant to be hauled around in my small car. I really did my research before we purchased this stroller and I love it because: it folds/unfolds super easily, takes up no room in my car, has a full recline (very uncommon in umbrella strollers) and sits straight up, has a great storage basket, and a really nice sun shade. Not even the $400 umbrella strollers I looked at had all the qualities in this one, and I would recommend it to anyone. Best feature? Addison likes it!
Addison HATES being in the carseat. Since the day we brought her home from the hospital and she had to endure the gruelling 6 minute car ride home, she has persistently screamed bloody murder at the top of her lungs every time we've even attempted to put her in the carseat. Until we got the new Britax big girl car seat that is. Addison and I got this seat after trying a few different ones out, and she loved this one. The recline is still more upright than her infant carrier, and this seat is really comfy. Not to mention that the cover slips on and off very easily for washing without having to remove the seat from the car. The only flaw I see is that my car is too small. Hmmm I should start looking for a new car, this seat rocks and is not going anywhere. Best of all? Addir girl doesn't cry at all anymore, and actually laughs and plays in it. She loves being high enough to see out the windows.

What do you put on your baby when she's almost a year old and still has newborn sized feet? Robeeze. They are the only shoes that fit my daughter (size0-6months of course), they are super cute, she has them in shoe and sandal styles, and she can't pull them off (she much prefers barefeet and takes off all other shoes and socks). LOVE these!
I LOVE my cloth diapers. That said, I have not been using them for the past three months for 3 reasons. 1. We're living with my parents and installing a diaper sprayer (which is totally necessary at this point) and line drying is not an option. 2. With Addie being in daycare now, it just works to use disposables and 3. which is the biggest reason... Addison has come down with a severe case of teething diarrhea and I do not have enough cloth diapers to get from one day to the next with what we have. We have tried other diapers, and we like Pampers the best. They are thin, soft and the hold up to Addie and her very small bladder. My child pees at least every 15 minutes and that does not stop through the night.
When Addison was a newborn, she LOVED to be swaddled, and we swaddled until it got too cold out to swaddle. When we switched from swaddle to sleepsack, we went with Grobags. We have three of them. One lightweight one for summer (that I love and hope still fits this summer) and two winter weight ones. One for 0-6 months that Addie just outgrew recently, and one 6-18 months. I love these sleepsacks because they are so well made (I literally wash them at least 5 days a week) and they are so soft and comfy. It`s like wrapping Addie up in her own duvet every night. It makes me sleep better knowing that she is warm all night and can`t kick covers off, and when it was more of a risk earlier on, it was nice to know there was no way she could suffocate in it.
I never put any thought into buying baby sleepwear before Ihad a baby. I figured they look cute in sleepers, sleepers are easy to put on, don`t need to be matched up in the wash and they just work well for babies. Now that I have a crawling baby my views have changed. Sleepers are no longer working for Addie girl. They either fit too snug and her poor little toes get cramped up, or they are just right sized and her feet get all tangled up and she trips. We have made the switch to 2-piece which is better for crawling, and much safer for her now that she is standing and cruising.
Great products! And I absolutely LOVE Britax carseats. I'll never buy anything else.