What better way to celebrate spring than to start planning for summer? Ryan and I are so very blessed to have parents that want us around all the time. My parents are boaters and we are always welcome to go to the boat for the weekend, and Ryan's parents are cottagers and were extremely generous when they gave us our own cottage on their island! We love going to the cottage on the weekends in the summer, especially now that Ryan's sister and her husband also have a cottage on the island and there is always someone around and always something to do.

She was good in her stroller for the first umm 15 minutes, until she started getting all kinds of attention from everyone and then she realized all the action was much higher up. She spent the rest of the show (a good couple hours) on daddy's shoulders. Here they are checking out the Muskoka real estate boards (starting at 1.5 M we will probably never get to own one, but they are very nice to look at!)
One of the real estate booths had a whole kiddie area set up so the kids could play while the adults talked. What a great idea! Addison absolutely loved riding the rocking moose that was just her size!
Because the cottage is water access only, we don't get to go up this time of year when the weather starts getting nice because the water is too thin for a snowmobile, and it's too early to put the boats in. So where do you go when you can't go to the cottage? The cottage life show!
Last weekend Ryan and I took Addison to Toronto to go to the cottage life show and see what was new in the cottaging world. We had a lot of fun. Addison is the easiest and happiest baby ever, so she just loves being out with us, it really doesn't matter where. She loves places that are busy with stuff going on and lots of people around.
Here's some of the fun we had at the show! (excuse the poor quality, I took the pictures on my phone).
I know usually you save the souvenirs for the end, but the first thing we did was go to the Cottage Life booth. I had seen these onesies last year and wanted one for Addie but never got around to ordering it, so since we were there, we let Addison pick out her own. She went with the pink and I think she picked out a really cute one.

Addison has starting pointing to things that she wants (the pointing is accompanied by a lot of arm flapping and babbling when she really wants something) and the first thing she started pointing to was the ice cream that everyone seemed to have. So we figured why not let her try her first ice cream cone. If I told you she liked it, I would be seriously understating how she feels about ice cream.

What a precious little girl!
I love the shot where Addison is licking her lips. Its priceless!