Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wow, I am so behind in my blogging! Between moving, trying to get unpacked and settled, dealing with a teething baby who also has a cold, increasing my work hours as well as planning and preparing for Addie's first birthday party and my sister in law's baby shower, I have had NO TIME to do anything else.

The upside? of all of this, the first birthday party is my top priority so everything will be unpacked and cleaned by Saturday, and the party should be over by Sunday morning (being May 24, I can expect the party to go on long after the birthday girl goes to bed), so next week I only have to go to work, play with my TODDLER and finish planning the baby shower. No need to decorate because the birthday party decorations are doing double duty!

I'll update on Y3W on Friday!


  1. Toddler? no no- no toddler! That means I have a toddler coming- can't WAIT to hear about the party :)

  2. Can't wait to see pics from the party and the new house! Was wondering where you had been:)
