Addie even earned her own report card. The instructor's comments were "Excellent movement in the water Addison! Good job on kicking while doing your front and back tow and dunking under water".
Addie accomplished most of the goals for the class, but there were some things that she was just too young to learn, so we're going to sign up for the same class again in September. In the meantime, the YMCA has open swim sessions in the evenings until the next swim lessons start, so we're going to keep taking Addie to those so she gets to keep practicing what she's learned.
Here are a few more pictures of swimming: 

So glad you found my yours!! I had no idea you could do swimming lessons so early? That is awesome. And you won't believe this but we almost named our Addison, Addison Grace! It was between that and Addison Carolina! Glad to have found a new blog to read:)