A lot has changed in the past year, from getting pregnant, going through an entire first pregnancy together, I quit my job at Danier, we were told I had a high risk pregnancy, then told I didn't have a high risk pregnancy, my grandmother passed away, we were told our baby was breech and was going to have to be delivered via a c-section, we went from having a plain spare room with a couple of my little brother's old beds to creating a beautiful nursery in our home, and our baby girl was born via c-section on May 20th, 2010 at exactly 3:26pm, weighing 6lbs 3oz and measuring 21 inches long. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen, and it is amazing how she actually gets more beauitful every single day.
So what's happening at 3 months?
Addie's stats: 12lbs, 12oz, 23 inches long, and has slate grey eyes. She has a tiny bit more hair than she did when she was born, but not much. Diaper size is a 2, or two sets of snaps let out on her cloth diapers.
Sleeping: Addie goes to bed between 8:30-9:00pm, wakes up at 4am to eat (doesn't even open her eyes while she's eating) and then sleeps again until about 7-8am. She eats another bottle then daddy puts her into bed with momma until about 9, when we both get up for the day. Addie is usually awake for an hour and a half and has her only nap for the day anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. The rest of the day Addie naps for up to 20 minutes if she's really tired. Addie still loves to be swaddled and will only sleep if she's swaddled up tight (but always with her arms out).
Eating: 3oz of momma milk every 2-3 hours
Personality: Addie has a definite personality. She is so much like Ryan: she is so social, she loves being around anyone that wants to be around her. She loves to smile, and babble at people, especially people she knows well like my dad and Ryan's sister Nikki. She's funny like her daddy too. Addie always seems to know what's funny and cracks the biggest smiles when she thinks something is funny, or when she knows she's done something funny.
Addie's likes: She still loves to be held, though we can put her down a little more these days, even up to 45 minutes if she's in a good mood and likes playing in her monkey gym. She absolutely LOVES the water, anything to do with water, including baths, shower
s, and swimming. Her favorite toy is her scuba frog that Grammie bought her, and she will play with that frog for up to an hour. Her favorite blanket is a JJ Cole swaddle blanket that has colourful giraffes on it. Addie loves to stare at the pattern, pull at the fabric and wrap it around her face (good thing it's breathable). Addie loves to play! She is ticklish on her tummy and loves to be tickled and kissed. Her favorite food is momma milk, but she also loves caramel sauce, and popsicles. Addie loves music, and prefers classical music, or sounds like babbling brooks and white noise.
Addie's dislikes: She absolutely HATES the car seat! I make a point of taking her somewhere in her car seat at least once a day hoping that she will get used to the car seat, I have toys on it to play with, a sucky attached to it, and always wrap blankets on her when it's cold, but she considers it some sort of torture chamber. She doesn't like to be cold, in fact the only times Addie cries now is when she is cold, hungry or tired. Addie hates formula, and gagged, spit it out, and refused her bottle when we tried to feed it to her on more than one occasion. Addie also hates being tired when there is something going on and will refuse to nap if it seems like she's goi
ng to miss something. She hates to be lying down if she's not sleeping and has really been trying to sit up on her own lately, even though she still has a long way to go there.
Milestones: Addie laughed for the first time over the weekend, to Daddy as he was kissing/blowing on her tummy and we were both there to hear that beautiful sound. She has no problem sitting up with some aid, but can almost sit up on her own if put in the sitting position. She is soo close to rolling over back to front, is babbling up a storm and can pretty much burp herself now. When we go swimming, she can hold herself up on a baby flutter board and knows to kick her legs. She can grab toys/blankets now, and turns her head to sounds. When Ryan calls on speaker phone, she'll stop crying and stare at the phone looking for him. She only does this for Daddy's voice.
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