I carried this kid for 9 months, I'm the one that couldn't sleep, I'm the one that dealt with morning sickness, I'm the one that got fat, and I'm the one that gave birth to this beautiful baby. Too bad you'd never know she was mine!
Since the day Addison was born, I've been getting all kinds of comments like " She looks just like her father", "Doesn't she look like her daddy", "She must take after her father" -> from people who don't know Ryan, and my favorite: "I'm so sorry but she looks nothing like you". At first, I thought it was hard to tell since she had that wrinkly newborn look to her, but there's no more denying it. She looks exactly like her daddy.
Here is a picture my father in law found of him holding Ryan when he was about Addison's age. If Gary didn't look almost 30 years younger in the picture, I would even swear he was holding Addison.
What do you think? Think she looks like her Daddy? (Poll on the side)

Ryan between 4-6 months old
Addison 6 months old

Me at 3 months old
I totally feel your pain! Everywhere we go, I get to hear how much Addison looks like Adrian. Drives me crazy. Anytime anyone says she looks like me (VERY RARE), I get so excited!