Friday, December 3, 2010

Y3W: Still Not Sleeping!

Y3W: Still Not Sleeping

It's now been 6 1/2 months since Addison graced us with her presence. I can hardly believe that it's been that long and that she is growing and learning so quickly. But.... it also seems like an eternity since I have gotten any real sleep!

Addie started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks old, and we were so happy and everyone in our mommy and me group was jealous, until her 2 month shots when she started getting up every two hours. Things haven't changed much. Lately, she's been sleeping like this:

7pm goes right to sleep in her crib
9pm wakes up for a 5oz bottle and goes back to sleep in her crib
12am wakes up for a 5 oz bottle and goes back to sleep in her crib
3:30am wakes up for a 5 oz bottle and goes back to sleep in her crib
5am wakes up and will not go back to sleep unless I bring her into bed with us

By 5am, I am exhausted, and I have been doing really good about letting her complain in her crib and only getting up to rock her back to sleep when she starts crying, but this week I have given up. By 5am, she will go directly back to sleep as long as I am holding her or she is in our bed. If I put her back in her crib, she'll wake up every 10 minutes or so for almost an hour until she falls back to sleep.

I've tried feeding her more before bed, and it doesn't help, she either stops eating when she's full, or if she eats too much she just throws it back up (she has a small tummy that only holds up to 6oz). I am not willing to let her cry herself to sleep, but I also don't want her to think it's okay to sleep in our bed either.

What are you other moms doing that works? Aside from her dinner of cereal, with a veggie or fruit, she is strictly BF if that makes a difference.

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