Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cloth Diapers!

Before Addison was born, Ryan and I decided that we wanted to cloth diaper her for many reasons: they prevent diaper rash, they don't have any chemicals next to her sensitive skin, they are better for the environment, softer on her skin, less expensive than disposable diapers, and really easy to use. Addie was born so small that our cloth diapers didn't fit when we brought her home, so we used the Huggies organic cotton disposables until she reached size 1 diapers. Then, we had received so many sposies at my baby shower, we figured we might as well use those up first. So... It's been 9 weeks and we are finally ready to start using our cloth diapers. The time couldn't have come sooner! Over the weekend, Addie had a diaper blow out. It was no ordinary diaper blow out either.... we were literally cleaning poop out of her armpits! So today I put Addie in her first cloth diaper, and of course she filled it right up. Now, a sposie wouldn't have been able to handle it, but these cloth diapers fit so well that it held it all in. I was amazed, and soo happy that we are using these. We will probably use a sposie at night because it is more absorbent, but from now on, cloth it is! Hopefully one day, Addie will appreciate all the poop I'm cleaning for the sake of her bum.

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