Dear Addison,
It has been such a busy month for you, and I hardly know where to begin. This month started just before Christmas, and what a first Christmas you had! After waiting up all night long for Santa, you got to open your entire load of presents (and by load, I mean you could have opened your own toy store afterwards) right before we left for your first vacation to Florida. You were such a good girl on the plane, and you made friends with everyone that paid you attention. You were such a joy to have, and Daddy and I really enjoyed watching you take in all the new scenes, like your first trip to the beach, and how mesmerized you were by the jellyfish at the aquarium.
When we got back from vacation, you really had changed in the two weeks since you'd been away. You were much more interested in Grammie and Grampie's cat Sam, and if someone asks you "where's the kitty" you start looking all over the place for him. You are really playing now, and are interested in touching and experimenting with all kinds of textures and sounds. Speaking of sounds, you have some new ones too! You are really babbling up a storm these days, and talking to everyone very excitedly. You say ma ma ma and da da da the most, but we aren't quite sure if you know what they mean yet. You definitely understand the meaning of milk in sign language and when you're asked if you'd like some milk.
You are almost ready to crawl, you know how to kick your legs and squirm, and you know how to pull with your arms, but you just haven't figured out how to co-ordinate the movements together unless I hold your feet and you push off from there. I am expecting you to get it and start becoming mobile any day now, and I really hope you learn on a day I am home from work so I can see it for the first time. I am going to be so very proud of you.
Swimming classes are going really well, you are really getting the hang of moving your arms and legs together, you're really comfortable having water in your face and putting your head under water, and you love to splash. It's nice having your lessons with your friends Xavier and Peyton this term, and you recognize them right away when you see them.
We got your new big girl car seat this week, and it is much roomier than your little infant carrier. I thought you would be okay in your carrier for another couple months, but after seeing you in your new seat, there is no doubt that you prefer the bigger one, and lets face it, why would you cram yourself into a bug when you have an escalade in your driveway.
Baby girl, you have grown so much this month! You have officially outgrown not one but two whole sizes this month. There is now nothing in size 6 months, and hardly anything left in 9 month sizes that fit you. Not only have you grown in size, but you are finally starting to get some real hair too, and it looks soo cute!! Your new hair is kind of a reddish blonde and very soft. Grammie says it's like goose down, and I have to agree. Soon you'll have enough to wear some barettes in it.
During our vacation, you slept in bed with Daddy and me, and you loved sharing my pillow and snuggling with me, so when we got home, you didnt want to sleep in your own crib. It's taken us two weeks, but you are finally down to getting up only once in the night to eat and sleeping on your own. I have to hand it to you, stubborness comes to you honestly, and you really get the hang of it. We are not looking forward to the terrible two's!
You are just learning how to hold your own bottle.... you definitely know how to do it, but still prefer Daddy or me to hold it for you. You drink much more if we're holding it than if you are. You are getting really good at eating solids though, and have tried most foods that you are able to. Your favorites are: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apple sauce, bananas, and you tried mango for the first time this week and loved that too. I am having a really hard time getting you to drink water though, and have had to mix it with milk to flavor it a little.
There isn't really anything I can think of that you dislike right now. You still aren't a huge fan of the car, but you're getting really good at going on longer trips these days. You really are a little trooper, and are happy as long as you are with people you love, and have something to look at or play with. Daddy and I are both so very very proud of you, and not a day goes by that we don't thank God for you, and wonder why he favored us so much. You are the biggest blessing we could ever get.
Daddy and I love you bigger than the sky,
Love your mama
You on your new ride.... so proud!

Holding your own boarding pass on the plane

And your new big girl car seat. Please slow down the growing just a little bit