Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What does this mean??

Addison's last Dr. appt was at 6 months. It was an awful appointment because she ended up in the hospital after her shots that day. So she had an off schedule appointment today to check on her growth and see how she's doing.

I could hardly believe it when the nurse told me she is 16lbs! wow! She's getting big! She has not grown one tiny bit in length though. I am completely confused since she's outgrown two clothing sizes in the last two months, and it has been mainly in the length that she's outgrown everything.

So she has another appointment in the beginning of March to check up on her height and weight again, the typical 9 month appointment. It is also supposed to be a shot appointment but we'll see about that (I haven't decided yet if I'm going to let her get them again).

I am guessing one of three things has happened.

1. Addison's clothes are all shrinking at an incredible rate that just so happens to coincide with her peers growth.

2. The nurse was generous in her measurements at the 6 month appointment and Addison has definitely grown in the past two months.

3. Addison has for some odd reason not grown at all, and I am imagining that her clothes are getting too small.

My go to option would be #2, but I guess we'll find out in a month.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay she will stay cute and tiny forever!

