Because we left for vacation on Christmas day, things have been really hectic since we got home last weekend. With trying to pack to move, buying a house, work, and of course, tending to Addie who has gotten used to being held and entertained 24/7 for two weeks straight, not to mention sleep training for said child who got used to sleeping with mama and daddy for two weeks, there hasn't been much time left over for blogging. So, as far behind as I am, I am going to try to catch up over the weekend.
Starting of course with Christmas! Christmas this year was great. It was a quiet Christmas Eve spent at my parents house where we enjoyed each others company, ordered Chinese food, and watched Christmas specials, and Ryan started a new tradition of reading The Night Before Christmas to Addie. It was extra special this year because he read the book that my mother had kept from when she was little.

In our family, it has always been tradition that everyone gets to open one present on Christmas Eve. When we were kids, it was usually something to wear to church that night, a small toy, or a new pair of pajamas. This year, Ryan and I got a video camera and were very surprised! Addison got to open quite a few presents, and she got so excited that she decided to wait up for Santa for the rest of the night! Grammie Knight stayed up with her until 3am, and I took the rest of the morning. Addison got herself so excited that she was doing all kinds of exercises and got herself to the point where she was sweating so much I had to strip her down to cool her off. By the time everyone else got up around 8am, Addie had slept about two hours total and looked like this:
Addie got right into the action when it came time to open presents, and was very happy with her enormous haul!

It is only fair to mention also, that this is not Addison's entire load. I forgot to put in the rest of her polka dot luggage, her sleigh, and the rest of her toys that are still over at Grandma and Grandpa Knight's house. Next year we may need to build an addition on our house to keep it all.

It is only fair to mention also, that this is not Addison's entire load. I forgot to put in the rest of her polka dot luggage, her sleigh, and the rest of her toys that are still over at Grandma and Grandpa Knight's house. Next year we may need to build an addition on our house to keep it all.
After presents, we had a nice breakfast and then my parents drove us to the airport for our flight to Miami. I had been so afraid that Addie was going to cry or be miserable the whole flight, but she was an angel. She was happy in her stroller until we boarded the plane and then slept on take off. After about an hour she woke up and played with some of her new toys I had brought along and was super happy to make new friends on the plane. We were seated at the back near the washrooms, and as the washroom line moved up, Addie found more and more people to befriend. She was totally in her element. At the end of the flight, the flight attendant came back and said she didn't even realize there had been a baby on the plane. Addie then slept in the car the whole way from Miami to Marathon, and slept the whole night when we got there. We were so proud of our little girl.
With all the travelling, we did get kind of sad that Christmas had been so short, and decided that we won't be travelling on Christmas day again, but it was a great day, and we are looking forward to next year when we can celebrate our first Christmas in our new house!
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