Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Weekend Wrap Up
Wow, last week was awful, and felt like it would never end.
To sum it all up:
Sunday I started getting sick
Monday I was sick
Tuesday Addie had her 6 month shots and ended up in the hospital due to her awful reaction, plus I was still sick
Wednesday Addie was still super sick and so was I
Thursday Addie was still sick and Ryan got sick
Friday Ryan was still sick and Addie was just starting to feel better
Saturday We were all feeling somewhat better and went to see Santa. While we were in line, Addie filled her diaper and the line was so long we didn't want to have to wait again so we handed Santa our poopy baby who hadn't napped and was hungry.... She actually didn't cry, but gave absolutely no expression either. So, it was a scratch and we have the funniest picture of her just tolerating what was going on.
To sum it all up:
Sunday I started getting sick
Monday I was sick
Tuesday Addie had her 6 month shots and ended up in the hospital due to her awful reaction, plus I was still sick
Wednesday Addie was still super sick and so was I
Thursday Addie was still sick and Ryan got sick
Friday Ryan was still sick and Addie was just starting to feel better
Saturday We were all feeling somewhat better and went to see Santa. While we were in line, Addie filled her diaper and the line was so long we didn't want to have to wait again so we handed Santa our poopy baby who hadn't napped and was hungry.... She actually didn't cry, but gave absolutely no expression either. So, it was a scratch and we have the funniest picture of her just tolerating what was going on.

On the up side of things, this week is already going really well. We are all feeling better, and best of all, Ryan got his Christmas bonus today. Sweet! Put it this way, there were two ways we were looking at it when we were waiting to see what it was. There was what we expected, and what would be really nice. He got the what would be really nice! So our Florida Christmas trip is fully paid for, and we are set to buy a house as soon as we find one we like. Too bad the market is fairly empty right now.
But, what a great start to this week!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Six Months Old
Happy half birthday Addison!
Saturday you turned six months old, and Daddy and I are really struggling to figure out where the time is going since you arrived. Every single day seems to go faster than the last and there is never enough time to play with you, hold you, watch you, teach you, snuggle you and love on you.
Your little personality is really shining through right now. You are so social that I actually feel bad when we stay home for a whole day since I know you enjoy going out and seeing new people and things. It doesn't matter where we are going, and what we are doing, you are always so well behaved and enjoyable to be with. We get compliaments on you everywhere. You are so funny that Daddy and I think you are going to be a class clown. You do everything to make us laugh, and you and Daddy have been having some pretty serious laugh offs lately. As outgoing as you are though, you still love having your snuggle time, especially at night while I rock you to sleep. You are a little diva, you know exactly what you want when you want it, and I can't wait to see what you have to say when you get the hang of baby sign language. You are so stubborn, but you are also really delicate and are really sensitive when you get hurt.
You are absolutely gorgeous! I don't know how it is possible, but every single time I look at you, you are more beautiful and undeniably adorable than the last time I looked at you. I am so serious about this my love, you are the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. Your eyes are the deepest hazel colour and just suck in anyone that looks at them. You still don't have much hair, but it is starting to come in now. You are quite petite, at 15lbs, 2oz, you are in the 32nd% for your weight, at 25.5 Inches, you are in the 45th% for your height, and at 42cm, your head size is in the 37th %. You are small, but you are very healthy and growing strong.
I am really loving making you happy, and it is so easy to do. You are always happy when you get attention. Just sitting on the carpet with you playing with your toys makes you laugh, and since it is my most favorite sound, I make sure I do it every day. You love watching Sesame Street, (just like your Mama used to) especially Elmo's world. You dance and laugh when you watch this. You love any kind of music, and you think dancing is so much fun. Your favorite games are peek a boo and pat a cake with Mama, but you play make Daddy laugh with Daddy and where's the baby with Grampie Knight. Your bath is definitely your favorite part of the day, and we can tell you are really tired when you don't splash around much. You are getting so good at swimming, that you keep getting complimented on your kicking ability from all the other moms.
Things you don't like are still the same as they always have been. Still not a fan of the car seat, but you do so much better than you used to at tolerating it. Uncle Ryan is still pretty scary, and no one knows why, because some days he's scarier than others. You don't like loud noises, and you still don't like to be left alone for very long.
We tried feeding you solids this month, and although you tried your sweet potatoes, and bananas, you prefer your milk to anything else. More milestones you achieved this month were yelling and sitting up! Even the doctor was amazed at how you sit up all by yourself.
Your sleep pattern has improved, you go to bed between 7 and 7:30pm, wake up to eat around 9 and midnight then sleep to 3 or 4am before you eat again, and get up for the day between 7-8am. You are eating a 5oz bottle every 3 hours during the day, and when you wake in the night, it's because you are hungry again.
Every morning when I go in to get you, I tell you goodmorning sunshine. I tell you this because no matter what the weather is outside the window, inside you make it sunny. Your smile when I come in to get you brightens up the whole room. I am so ridiculously in love with you Addison. Every waking moment is spent thinking about you, watching you, and playing with you. In just six short months, you have taken over my life, and brought me so much joy. I wouldn't change a thing.
Daddy and I went Christmas shopping for you last weekend, and we had so much fun picking out all your presents. I can't wait to see you experience your first Christmas. So much has happened in your first six months, and so much is yet to come in your next six months. Just know that no matter what you are doing, your Daddy and I are always your biggest fans, and whether you are ahead or behind your peers, you are always perfect to us.
I love your guts,
Love your Mama
Saturday you turned six months old, and Daddy and I are really struggling to figure out where the time is going since you arrived. Every single day seems to go faster than the last and there is never enough time to play with you, hold you, watch you, teach you, snuggle you and love on you.
Your little personality is really shining through right now. You are so social that I actually feel bad when we stay home for a whole day since I know you enjoy going out and seeing new people and things. It doesn't matter where we are going, and what we are doing, you are always so well behaved and enjoyable to be with. We get compliaments on you everywhere. You are so funny that Daddy and I think you are going to be a class clown. You do everything to make us laugh, and you and Daddy have been having some pretty serious laugh offs lately. As outgoing as you are though, you still love having your snuggle time, especially at night while I rock you to sleep. You are a little diva, you know exactly what you want when you want it, and I can't wait to see what you have to say when you get the hang of baby sign language. You are so stubborn, but you are also really delicate and are really sensitive when you get hurt.
You are absolutely gorgeous! I don't know how it is possible, but every single time I look at you, you are more beautiful and undeniably adorable than the last time I looked at you. I am so serious about this my love, you are the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen. Your eyes are the deepest hazel colour and just suck in anyone that looks at them. You still don't have much hair, but it is starting to come in now. You are quite petite, at 15lbs, 2oz, you are in the 32nd% for your weight, at 25.5 Inches, you are in the 45th% for your height, and at 42cm, your head size is in the 37th %. You are small, but you are very healthy and growing strong.
I am really loving making you happy, and it is so easy to do. You are always happy when you get attention. Just sitting on the carpet with you playing with your toys makes you laugh, and since it is my most favorite sound, I make sure I do it every day. You love watching Sesame Street, (just like your Mama used to) especially Elmo's world. You dance and laugh when you watch this. You love any kind of music, and you think dancing is so much fun. Your favorite games are peek a boo and pat a cake with Mama, but you play make Daddy laugh with Daddy and where's the baby with Grampie Knight. Your bath is definitely your favorite part of the day, and we can tell you are really tired when you don't splash around much. You are getting so good at swimming, that you keep getting complimented on your kicking ability from all the other moms.
Things you don't like are still the same as they always have been. Still not a fan of the car seat, but you do so much better than you used to at tolerating it. Uncle Ryan is still pretty scary, and no one knows why, because some days he's scarier than others. You don't like loud noises, and you still don't like to be left alone for very long.
We tried feeding you solids this month, and although you tried your sweet potatoes, and bananas, you prefer your milk to anything else. More milestones you achieved this month were yelling and sitting up! Even the doctor was amazed at how you sit up all by yourself.
Your sleep pattern has improved, you go to bed between 7 and 7:30pm, wake up to eat around 9 and midnight then sleep to 3 or 4am before you eat again, and get up for the day between 7-8am. You are eating a 5oz bottle every 3 hours during the day, and when you wake in the night, it's because you are hungry again.
Every morning when I go in to get you, I tell you goodmorning sunshine. I tell you this because no matter what the weather is outside the window, inside you make it sunny. Your smile when I come in to get you brightens up the whole room. I am so ridiculously in love with you Addison. Every waking moment is spent thinking about you, watching you, and playing with you. In just six short months, you have taken over my life, and brought me so much joy. I wouldn't change a thing.
Daddy and I went Christmas shopping for you last weekend, and we had so much fun picking out all your presents. I can't wait to see you experience your first Christmas. So much has happened in your first six months, and so much is yet to come in your next six months. Just know that no matter what you are doing, your Daddy and I are always your biggest fans, and whether you are ahead or behind your peers, you are always perfect to us.
I love your guts,
Love your Mama
Monday, November 22, 2010
Weekend Wrap Up
So Christmas shopping for our little Addie girl was amazing! Seriously, anyone remotely close to a Samko and Miko should make the trip. When we walked in, someone handed each of us an enormous red shopping bag and Ryan and I looked at each other like "ya... pretty sure we're not going to need two of these", I mean the bags were about the length of me, and at least 3 feet wide. Well, once we found the preschool section, we weren't long filling them both up. And then we found the book section and by the time I had filled my arms up with books, Ryan was practically pulling me out of there because we had only planned on spending about $100 on this trip and we looked like we had well over $250 worth of toys and books. What a pleasant surprise when the cashier asked us for $103.00!! The prices are THAT good there. Books that I normally pay $25.00 for at Chapters, were on for $1 and $2. The most expensive book I got was $3.75.
The only thing I could possibly complain about is that because it is a distribution center, the merchandise is always changing and you never know what you're going to find. We got Addison a lot of gifts, but they didn't have anything that was on my original list. In fact, we got so much stuff that we decided the only things on the original list that we are still going to buy are going to be the seahorse (which I am hoping she loves on the plane trip to Florida Christmas day) and her first baby doll.
After Samko and Miko, we went to The Pottery Barn Kids store to buy Addie her Christmas stocking. They have the most beautiful stockings there, and we totally agreed on which one to get her as soon as we saw it. They also have a baby doll that would be perfect for Addison. Her name is Abby and she is really soft, has all her features sewn on so there are no choking hazards and she is really cute. I wanted to buy her while we were there, but Ryan really wants to pick out her first doll for her, and I thought that was so sweet I agreed. I can't wait to see what he picks out.
So this week I will pick up the seahorse and the rest of the stocking stuffers, and I am officially done shopping for Addie's first Christmas.
Sunday I put up our Christmas tree and decorated while Ryan took Addie around to some open houses for their "Daddy Addie Day" as Ryan called it. Addie is so fascinated by the tree and wants to touch all the ornaments, I am so excited to see what she thinks of her first Christmas morning.
The only thing I could possibly complain about is that because it is a distribution center, the merchandise is always changing and you never know what you're going to find. We got Addison a lot of gifts, but they didn't have anything that was on my original list. In fact, we got so much stuff that we decided the only things on the original list that we are still going to buy are going to be the seahorse (which I am hoping she loves on the plane trip to Florida Christmas day) and her first baby doll.
After Samko and Miko, we went to The Pottery Barn Kids store to buy Addie her Christmas stocking. They have the most beautiful stockings there, and we totally agreed on which one to get her as soon as we saw it. They also have a baby doll that would be perfect for Addison. Her name is Abby and she is really soft, has all her features sewn on so there are no choking hazards and she is really cute. I wanted to buy her while we were there, but Ryan really wants to pick out her first doll for her, and I thought that was so sweet I agreed. I can't wait to see what he picks out.
So this week I will pick up the seahorse and the rest of the stocking stuffers, and I am officially done shopping for Addie's first Christmas.
Sunday I put up our Christmas tree and decorated while Ryan took Addie around to some open houses for their "Daddy Addie Day" as Ryan called it. Addie is so fascinated by the tree and wants to touch all the ornaments, I am so excited to see what she thinks of her first Christmas morning.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Y3W: Christmas Shopping Tomorrow

I LOVE Christmas shopping. It is something I look forward to all year long, and when it finally comes around, I really enjoy it. I am so lucky that Ryan loves Christmas shopping too. Ryan usually hates shopping, but when it comes to Christmas, he always helps me save money for it, and enjoys picking out gifts with me. This year, because of Addison, Christmas shopping is going to be more fun than usual. It has been almost 17 years since we've had a child to buy for on either side of our families, and Ryan and I are thrilled to be able to buy for Addison this year. Tomorrow we are going to a place called Samko and Miko, a toy distributer in Toronto that opens to the public only 2 months a year and sells all kinds of toys at 50%-70% off. Addison will be staying with my parents for the day (because well, we are shopping for her!) and Ryan and I already have a few things on our list that we really want to buy for her.

The Fisherprice Lil Movers Race Track. I think Addison will love this, because she loves bright colours and noise! And who said a little girl can't play with cars?
The Playschool Busy Ball Popper. This is bright coloured, makes noise, and spits balls out the top. Addie will love watching the balls pop out for now, and when she is bigger will learn cause and effect by putting them back in.
The Fisherprice Seahorse. I know A LOT of moms who swear by this seahorse as the reason their babies sleep so well. Addie goes to bed really well right now, but I want this for her because she has a glo worm and loves it, but she can't press the button yet to make it glow and sing, and when I press the button for her, it only lasts a couple seconds. The seahorse goes for 5mins at a time, so Addie can enjoy it longer.

The Fisherprice Please and Thank-you Tea Set. This is super cute. What little girl doesn't love having their own tea set? This tea set plays music, and talks, but most of all, it teaches manners, and I'm thinking I'll take some help with a head start on manners for my little diva.

Fisherprice Shake and Rattle Pooh. Addie will love this! When the baby shakes the rattle, Pooh shakes and I think it plays music too. I know Addie will get a kick out of this.
The Fisherprice Ocean Wonders Jumperoo was Addison's main gift and we gave that to her early because we wanted her to get the most use out of it since she's growing so fast. What a good decision because Addie LOVES this thing, and gets really excited every time we go to put her in it.

The Fisherprice Please and Thank-you Tea Set. This is super cute. What little girl doesn't love having their own tea set? This tea set plays music, and talks, but most of all, it teaches manners, and I'm thinking I'll take some help with a head start on manners for my little diva.

Fisherprice Shake and Rattle Pooh. Addie will love this! When the baby shakes the rattle, Pooh shakes and I think it plays music too. I know Addie will get a kick out of this.
These are the things I know I want to get her, but we'll see what they have tomorrow. I also want to buy her her first baby doll, but I haven't found the right one yet, so I am still looking.
Ryan and I are also looking forward to picking out Addison's Christmas stocking and filling that too. Some ideas I have for her stocking are: board books, some new pacifiers, bath toys, some teething toys and stuffed animals and a tooth brush (gum brush) set. Can you tell the theme for Addie this Christmas is toys? Fisherprice is going to love us!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Yesterday was the first day I worked all day. I had dropped Addie off with my dad around 8am and came to pick her up at 4:00pm. I had missed her so much, and was so excited to see her.
When I went in the room where they were, Addie was sitting on a blanket surrounded by toys and was watching Sesame Street (I've never seen a 6month old like TV so much!). I went to pick her up, and she completely ignored me! I never got a smile, a laugh, or even eye contact. I was pretty disappointed, but I figured maybe there was just too much going on for her to focus. So I grabbed her up and sat her on my lap facing me hoping that she'd realize I was there and at least look at me, but no... she actually turned her head away so she could look and smile at Grampie.
Ryan was already home when we got home and when he went to take her out of the car he got big smiles and laughs the second she saw him.
What the heck???? Ryan's gone every day, all day and he gets a King's reception as soon as he comes in, but I leave her once and I get snubbed.
What a traitor.
When I went in the room where they were, Addie was sitting on a blanket surrounded by toys and was watching Sesame Street (I've never seen a 6month old like TV so much!). I went to pick her up, and she completely ignored me! I never got a smile, a laugh, or even eye contact. I was pretty disappointed, but I figured maybe there was just too much going on for her to focus. So I grabbed her up and sat her on my lap facing me hoping that she'd realize I was there and at least look at me, but no... she actually turned her head away so she could look and smile at Grampie.
Ryan was already home when we got home and when he went to take her out of the car he got big smiles and laughs the second she saw him.
What the heck???? Ryan's gone every day, all day and he gets a King's reception as soon as he comes in, but I leave her once and I get snubbed.
What a traitor.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Y3W: Battling Acid Reflux

Battling Acid Reflux
We're at war with acid reflux... it's only been a week and already I am beyond frusterated with it. I have no idea why, but this past week, Addie has had major issues with reflux and it is really starting to bother her. She's spitting up a lot, she's arching her back when she eats, she's only eating a couple ounces of milk at a time instead of her usual 5, and we've had to stack books under a couple legs of her crib because she can only sleep when she's elevated. I feel so awful for her because I can see she's in pain at night when we lay her down, and through the day when I hear it bubble up her throat and see the disgusted look on her face as her mouth fills with sour milk. She's up for her 6 month shots in a week.. I don't know if I should call the doctor now or wait it out.
For now, we've done the books under the crib, I rock her to sleep sitting up and make sure I only put her down when she's totally out, and I've started feeding her bananas at bedtime because I know they are good for heart burn, and having something thicker on her stomach seems to help a little. She won't eat any kind of cereal so I can't use that.
I feel so bad for my baby girl, and so frusterated that she's uncomfortable and there isn't anything I can do. I don't want to give her medication if it's just a little phase, but I can't stand seeing her uncomfortable or in pain either.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rememberance Day
This post can be summed up in 2 words: THANK YOU!
Thank you to all the soldiers past present and future who have given their time, their health and their lives so that we can live in the beautiful and peaceful country we know and love. Thank you to all the soldier's families, the wives, mothers and children who also sacrifice so that their husbands and fathers can fight for us. I am eternally grateful to all of you, because of you, I have the freedom to work, and live in peace, and most of all, I have the freedom and ability to raise my daughter in a wonderful country that we can be safe in and proud of.

Thank you to all the soldiers past present and future who have given their time, their health and their lives so that we can live in the beautiful and peaceful country we know and love. Thank you to all the soldier's families, the wives, mothers and children who also sacrifice so that their husbands and fathers can fight for us. I am eternally grateful to all of you, because of you, I have the freedom to work, and live in peace, and most of all, I have the freedom and ability to raise my daughter in a wonderful country that we can be safe in and proud of.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Addie's new jumperoo
Christmas came early for Addie this year. We bought her a jumperoo and gave it to her this weekend so that she can get the most use out of it, and she loves it! Ryan and I can't get enough of watching her play and bounce, and we totally agree it was the best money we ever spent.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Y3W: We're house hunting

After 6 years of dating, and 3.5 years of marriage, Ryan and I are finally ready to buy a house. This is so exciting for us, because we've been saving and daydreaming about this for years. Every night this week we've gone to look at houses, and we're starting to figure out what we're looking for. We thought we knew what we wanted when we started looking, but after seeing some places and thinking about how things work for our family, we've had to adapt our ideas. This is great progress though because it really narrows down what we're after. So far, our list goes like this:
We Need:
At least 3 bedrooms (because we'd like to have two more babies in this house and need room for them)
At least two bathrooms
A decent sized kitchen (we're finding this the hardest part since apparently builders don't think people use their kitchens anymore)
An open concept layout (this is what we've discovered is most important to us)
We Want:
A big mature back yard so we can have a swing set for Addie
A double car garage
A finished basement
A turn key house
So there it is, I don't think our list is too unreasonable, we're open on the square footage as long as the layout is good and works for us. We've looked at 1200sqft places and 2000sqft places and both would work well for us with the right layout.
We need to buy before May 2011 because at that point my maternity leave runs out and I will actually have to claim only my self employment income which is an annoying process that we'd like to avoid, .
Stay tuned for updates and eventually our new home tour!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Adventures in pumpkin land
A couple weeks ago, we visited the pumpkin farm. Ryan and I thought it would be cute to take Addie to pick out our pumpkins to carve at Addie's Halloween party (at that point we didn't know we wouldn't make it).
The day started out great. Addie was in a great mood, and our first stop was to the little petting zoo to see the goats, lambs and geese which went over very well. Then we went to the corn maze which was a little too easy to get around, and next we headed on over to the pumpkin patch via wagon ride to pick out the pumpkins. It was during the wait in line that someone pointed out Addie had lost a shoe... so we left the one on and Daddy kept his hand over Addie's sock foot to keep it warm. We had a great time picking out a couple perfect pumpkins, and started to head back to the car, but on the way back we noticed the sign for the boo barn.
The boo barn is a haunted barn for very little kids. It is basically a brightly lit path with cut outs of cartoon ghosts and obviously plastic spiders. We thought Addie might get a kick out of it and there was no line so we went inside. And that's when it happened.... we became the worst parents ever. We realized a little too late that we were in the wrong barn. Instead of taking Addie through the boo barn, we were taking her through the adult haunted barn, and it was pretty scary. It was almost totally dark, there were creepy lights and loud shrieking music, things that popped out of nowhere and cobwebs in our faces. Since Addie was in the baby bjorn and Ryan was wearing her in front of me (it was single file only in there) we couldn't see Addie's face until we got to a room of mirrors. She was absolutely silent, but she looked terrified and her poor little bottom lip was quivering. It was at that point that we basically started running to get out of there as fast as we could. When we finally got outside (it was a much longer walk than we expected), Addie cried for a long time, and it took both of us to calm her down. We felt so awful.
Here are some pictures of our adventure:
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