Battling Acid Reflux
We're at war with acid reflux... it's only been a week and already I am beyond frusterated with it. I have no idea why, but this past week, Addie has had major issues with reflux and it is really starting to bother her. She's spitting up a lot, she's arching her back when she eats, she's only eating a couple ounces of milk at a time instead of her usual 5, and we've had to stack books under a couple legs of her crib because she can only sleep when she's elevated. I feel so awful for her because I can see she's in pain at night when we lay her down, and through the day when I hear it bubble up her throat and see the disgusted look on her face as her mouth fills with sour milk. She's up for her 6 month shots in a week.. I don't know if I should call the doctor now or wait it out.
For now, we've done the books under the crib, I rock her to sleep sitting up and make sure I only put her down when she's totally out, and I've started feeding her bananas at bedtime because I know they are good for heart burn, and having something thicker on her stomach seems to help a little. She won't eat any kind of cereal so I can't use that.
I feel so bad for my baby girl, and so frusterated that she's uncomfortable and there isn't anything I can do. I don't want to give her medication if it's just a little phase, but I can't stand seeing her uncomfortable or in pain either.
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