Wow, last week was awful, and felt like it would never end.
To sum it all up:
Sunday I started getting sick
Monday I was sick
Tuesday Addie had her 6 month shots and ended up in the hospital due to her awful reaction, plus I was still sick
Wednesday Addie was still super sick and so was I
Thursday Addie was still sick and Ryan got sick
Friday Ryan was still sick and Addie was just starting to feel better
Saturday We were all feeling somewhat better and went to see Santa. While we were in line, Addie filled her diaper and the line was so long we didn't want to have to wait again so we handed Santa our poopy baby who hadn't napped and was hungry.... She actually didn't cry, but gave absolutely no expression either. So, it was a scratch and we have the funniest picture of her just tolerating what was going on.
To sum it all up:
Sunday I started getting sick
Monday I was sick
Tuesday Addie had her 6 month shots and ended up in the hospital due to her awful reaction, plus I was still sick
Wednesday Addie was still super sick and so was I
Thursday Addie was still sick and Ryan got sick
Friday Ryan was still sick and Addie was just starting to feel better
Saturday We were all feeling somewhat better and went to see Santa. While we were in line, Addie filled her diaper and the line was so long we didn't want to have to wait again so we handed Santa our poopy baby who hadn't napped and was hungry.... She actually didn't cry, but gave absolutely no expression either. So, it was a scratch and we have the funniest picture of her just tolerating what was going on.

On the up side of things, this week is already going really well. We are all feeling better, and best of all, Ryan got his Christmas bonus today. Sweet! Put it this way, there were two ways we were looking at it when we were waiting to see what it was. There was what we expected, and what would be really nice. He got the what would be really nice! So our Florida Christmas trip is fully paid for, and we are set to buy a house as soon as we find one we like. Too bad the market is fairly empty right now.
But, what a great start to this week!
Omigod - sorry your week was so bad! Glad everyone is better now and YAY for Christmas bonuses:)