You have changed and grown so much this month that I am beginning to think you're going to skip the rest of your babyhood and go straight into toddlerhood. You started crawling last month, but this month you really have your knees up, and now you are very fast and hard to keep up with! You haven't gained much weight this month because you are so active and you didn't eat much when you were sick, but you are making up for that now. You are eating so well at meal times, but you still love your bubbas and are a picky eater. You really prefer sweet foods, and your favorites right now are sweet potatoes and mango.
You stood up this month! And not only are you pulling yourself up on things to stand, but when you're holding on, you actually walk around things like the coffee table and your new activity center. You are standing up in your crib all the time now so it's a good thing we lowered it a few weeks ago!
You said your first word this month. Daddy and I were not surprised at all that it was ducky. We are still waiting for you to say it again, but you usually do something one day and then wait about 2 weeks to do it again, so we will just be patient. In the meantime, you started pointing to things this week so we really know what you want, and you are also doing really well signing. Your best signs are for more, milk and all done. It is so cute watching you sign.
I am having so much fun planning your first birthday party already. I have all the invitations ready to be sent out in a week or two, and have all the details planned already. We are going to do a Sesame Street theme since it is clearly your favorite show. You have a special love of Elmo, so we`ll make sure he comes to the party in some form.
Addie girl, you are really my pride and joy. You make me laugh every single day, and I am constantly in awe of how beautiful you are and how funny you are. You are so aware of what is going on, and you really understand most of what Daddy and I say to you. My love, I am so happy to have you in my life, and I just love watching you learn and grow every day.
I love you bigger than the sky!
Love always, your mama
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