Y3W: 9 Month Stats
Although Addison will be 10 months in a little over a week, she just had her 9 month appointment today. I decided that since Addison got so sick (and ended up in the hospital) at her last shot appointment and since she was so sick for the past two weeks, we were going to skip the shots today. I wanted to keep the appointment for her to check her stats though since at her last appointment (2 months ago) Addie had apparently not grown since her previous appointment (2 months before that). The doctor was okay with not giving her the shots for the reasons I had, but thought that since her reactions are getting worse and worse to the shots, and since she is sensitive to milk, it would be a good idea to see an allergist and find out what exactly is going on. While she was writing referrals, she wrote one for the opthamalogist as well so that we can talk about what to do with her blocked tear duct that is not resolving itself on its own like we had hoped it would.
Here are the current stats: 2 months ago, Addison weighed 16lbs and was 26 inches long. She had only gained about a pound from the last appointment and had not grown in length at all (even though she'd outgrown two clothing sizes in between appointments). So today, Addison weighed 16lbs 5oz and was 26.5 inches long. Addison had definitely gained more weight than 5oz in two months, but since she started crawling she's been burning more calories, and then add being sick for two weeks and you have more weight loss than weight gain. As for her height... well neither Ryan nor I are tall people so I'm not expecting her to be either, and at least she is growing and is healthy, she doesn't need to be tall.
We have the next appointment in May (her one year shots) so we'll see what happens in the meantime with the allergist and the opthamologist.
Right now I realize I have a little peanut for a daughter, but she's a beautiful, joyful and healthy little peanut, and that's all that matters. If she wants to stay little forever, I would love that.
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