You are now 5 months old, and the time is just flying by. Every night when I give you your bath, I look at you and think you've grown again. Already some of your 6 month clothes are getting too short to wear much longer. You've accomplished a lot this past month and your Daddy and I are so very proud of you. This month you learned how to yell, and roll over, you're now sleeping (only getting up once in the night now) by yourself in your big girl crib (I am still staying up much too late watching you sleep) and you've tasted your first solid(ish) food. You also got through your first cold this month, and you were such a little trooper.
You had your first Thanksgiving at Grammie and Grampie Knight's house, Uncle Ryan was there, and Uncle Josh came home from school very excited to see you again (boy do you love playing with Uncle Josh!) We've been taking lots of family walks with you in your stroller (even though you always fall asleep on the walk and then don't go to bed on time) and it's time that Daddy and I love to share with you. We love to go for long walks through nice neighbourhoods and talk about what kind of house we want to buy. Addie girl, when we are ready to buy a house, we'll make sure there is lots of room in the backyard for a swing set, and hopefully a treehouse. Daddy really wants to build you a treehouse to play in. I want a house with a nice kitchen so I can teach you how to bake cookies just like Grammie did with me when I was little.
Oh Addie, You are so beautiful! Every morning when I go in to get you out of your crib (if Daddy hasn't beat me to it already) you just melt me with those smiles and bright eyes. I cannot ever explain to you what that smile does to me, but let me tell you, you will get away with an awful lot when you are older because of that smile. Your eyes have changed colour again and are a hazelish colour. They have lots of green and now some brown in them too and are such a pretty shade. You still have a blocked tear duct, but we are trying to keep it clean and dry so it doesn't bother you too much. Not much news on the hair front, but that's okay, you don't need hair to be beautiful to us.
Right now, your favorite games are peek-a-boo and get your tummy. You especially love it when Daddy plays with you right before your bath. You play with lots of different kinds of toys right now, but your favorites seem to be Sophie the Giraffe, Emma the bunny, and a ring of bright coloured bugs. You mostly eat these toys right now, but you'll play with them for a long time. You still love your bath, and are kicking up a storm in there these days. I can't wait until you can sit up and play with your ducks, because you love to watch your ducks swim around the tub right now.
You still don't love your car seat, but you are getting much better at going places without screaming and actually play quietly in your seat for longer trips. I cannot for the life of me figure out why you are so afraid of Uncle Ryan, but the very sight of him sends you into a screaming fit. We are really hoping you outgrow that soon, because Uncle Ryan loves you very much and just wants to play with you. You are also getting better at tummy time, but don't like to be left alone for too long. You are definitely a Mama's girl right now, and like your Mama to be in sight when new people are around or when you feel sucky.
You are about 14lbs now, fitting into a size 2 diaper still, but with 4 snaps let out on your cloth diapers, and are eating 5oz of milk every 3 hours or so. Every night for the past week you've had some oatmeal cereal to get used to eating off a spoon, but you aren't too interested in that yet. However, I gave you just a taste of sweet potatoes last night and you gobbled that up really quick. We're going to see how you do with the cereal for this month still and start the fruits and veggies with you next month.
My baby girl, you give everyone in your life such joy, and everyone who meets you falls in love with you so easily. I love taking you places and watching you take everything in. You are such a miracle and Daddy and I feel so blessed to have you for our very own. I hope you always feel safe and loved, and know that Daddy and I would do anything for you and will always love you unconditionally.
Happy 5 months Addie girl.
Love your Mama

Your words feel like my own! And I adore that second picture - what a cute little duck! I broke down and bought another costume tonight - a tiger:) In my defense it was only $10 at Old Navy:)