Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What happens when the Mama's sick?

I've been thinking a lot lately about what my biggest fear was about becoming a mother. Although there are the typical fears: will my baby be healthy?, can we really afford a baby?, will my pre pregnancy pants ever fit again? My biggest fear aside from these was "What happens when I get sick and my baby needs me?" Well I've been sick now for almost a week, and I've got the answer to my question:


Ya, unfortunately that's all you can do. Today is the worst I've felt so far, and this is how my day went:

Got up with Addie through the night, got up early to pump, got dressed (no time for eating today) and got the baby ready, drove accross town to drop off the baby with my Dad (thanks Dad!) went to work, had the crappiest day at work I could have while also feeling like crap, picked up baby, came home and tried to make some tea but baby was too needy so played with baby all afternoon stopping only to pump for her while she screamed because she wasn't being held for 10 minutes, husband then called to tell me he was sick, thought "great, now we're both sick", gave baby dinner, husband got home and asked what I was making for dinner (thought "umm hello, I was sick first, what are YOU making for dinner?") made dinner anyway, ate dinner, bathed baby, massaged baby, read to baby, put baby to bed. I'll probably get a couple hours of TV in before I have to get up with the baby again tonight.

ya, being sick has changed a lot since the last time I was sick and could call into work and sit around at home all day watching TV and being allowed to take medicine to feel better. Since Addie needs clean milk, I'm stuck to Tylenol and halls for my sore throat, and there's nothing I can take for the rest of it.

Good thing it's only a cold... I'd hate to see what happens when I get the flu.

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