Okay that was cheesy, but it's true, Addie and I have officially signed up for baby sign language classes starting in November. The class we are doing is taught with American Sign Language and there are 150 signs, 2 nursery rhymes and 2-3 songs that we will be learning. I am so excited. I have only heard good things about teaching babies to sign, and am so eager to be able to understand Addie as early as possible. It must be so frusterating to know what you want and not be able to communicate it effectively. Some of the perks to teaching baby sign language are:
1. Babies who sign talk earlier
2. Babies who sign have a bigger vocabulary than their peers
3. Babies who sign are better able to communicate so they exhibit less fits and tantrums
4. Babies who sign are able to potty train earlier (yahoo!!)
5. Babies who sign have higher IQ's than their peers
6. Babies who sign look so friggin cute!
So the plan is for Addie and me to go to class and learn all the signs, then I will teach Ryan and anyone else that wants to learn. Every time we do something that we have a sign for, we'll use the sign so Addie will associate the signs with their meanings, and then when she is anywhere from 9-14 months, she'll be able to sign back.
Signing is great! DS started with some DVDs when he was 15 months, and although he has a HUGE vocabulary now at 25 months he still sometimes signs if a new person doesn't understand him. Enjoy your classes.